Quiz: How Well Do You Know The American Revolution?

Last updated on October 18th, 2023 at 11:10 pm

The American Revolution was fought between the Americans in the Thirteen Colonies against their British overlords between 1765 and 1791.

It resulted in the formation of the United States of America.

Think you know a lot about it? Test your knowledge of the American Revolution!

George Washington, the first United States President
Created on By Carl Seaver

American Revolution Quiz

1 / 10

Which American general famously changed sides and joined the British?

2 / 10

Which French hero of both the American and French Revolutions served with General Washington?

3 / 10

Who was Great Britain's King during the American Revolution?

4 / 10

Which city was the American capital during the Revolution?

5 / 10

What was the last major battle fought during the American Revolution?

6 / 10

In what city was the Battle of Bunker Hill fought?

7 / 10

Which British General surrendered at Saratoga?

8 / 10

Which group was formed in the 13 colonies in opposition to the Stamp Act of 1765?

9 / 10

What battle was America's first significant victory and helped bring the French into the war?

10 / 10

What treaty signed in 1783 ended the American Revolution?

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The average score is 69%


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