What are the 10 Oldest Countries in the World?

Determining the age of a country is a complex task. Borders and governments frequently change, and a nation with a deep historical background might actually be quite young, such as Russia, which emerged in 1991 after the Soviet Union dissolved.

For this list, we focused on regions with a well-documented history of governance or large organized civilizations within areas roughly corresponding to the boundaries of modern-day countries. While historians may never agree on a definitive “oldest country,” each nation listed here is a compelling candidate.


Egypt’s history dates back to around 3100 BCE when the first Pharaoh, Narmer, unified Upper and Lower Egypt.

The ancient Egyptians are renowned for their monumental architecture, like the Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx, as well as their advances in writing, with the development of hieroglyphics.

The Nile River’s fertile banks allowed for a flourishing civilization that contributed significantly to art, science, and governance.

Despite numerous invasions and changes in rulers, Egypt’s cultural heritage has endured, making it one of the oldest continuous civilizations in the world.


China’s civilization began along the Yellow River, with the establishment of the Xia Dynasty around 2070 BCE.

Over millennia, China has seen the rise and fall of several dynasties, each contributing to the nation’s rich cultural and scientific heritage.

The Great Wall, the Terracotta Army, and the invention of paper and gunpowder are testaments to China’s historical ingenuity.

The Middle Kingdom, as it is often called, has maintained a continuous thread of cultural identity, despite periods of upheaval and foreign rule, making it one of the oldest nations with a continuous cultural lineage.


Greece, often regarded as the cradle of Western civilization, has roots that trace back to the Bronze Age, around 1600 BCE.

The Mycenaean civilization, followed by the classical Greek city-states like Athens and Sparta, laid the foundations for Western philosophy, democracy, and arts.

The contributions of Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle have profoundly influenced Western thought.

Despite periods of conquest and division, Greece has maintained its cultural heritage, solidifying its place among the oldest nations.


The history of Iran, historically known as Persia, stretches back to around 3200 BCE with the Elamite kingdoms.

The Achaemenid Empire, established by Cyrus the Great in 550 BCE, is one of the most notable periods in Iranian history, renowned for its administrative sophistication and the creation of the Royal Road.

Persian culture, language, and traditions have persisted through various dynastic changes, invasions, and the advent of Islam, maintaining Iran’s identity as one of the world’s oldest countries.


India’s history dates back to the Indus Valley Civilization, around 2500 BCE, one of the world’s earliest urban cultures.

The subcontinent has seen the rise of great empires such as the Maurya and Gupta Empires, which contributed significantly to mathematics, science, and literature.

The Vedic period gave rise to Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, religions that have profoundly influenced global spiritual traditions. Despite centuries of colonial rule and internal strife, India’s cultural and historical continuity remains unbroken.


Japan’s recorded history begins with the Jomon period around 14,000 BCE, characterized by its distinct pottery.

The Yamato state emerged around the 3rd century CE, marking the beginning of a centralized government under the imperial family, which continues to this day, making it the world’s oldest continuous hereditary monarchy.

Japan’s isolationist policies and subsequent rapid modernization have allowed it to maintain a unique cultural identity that blends ancient traditions with contemporary innovation.


Ethiopia’s history is often intertwined with legends, such as the story of the Queen of Sheba and King Solomon.

Evidence suggests that the region has been inhabited since prehistoric times, with the Kingdom of D’mt emerging around the 10th century BCE.

The Axumite Empire, established around the 1st century CE, was a major trading empire and one of the first to adopt Christianity as a state religion.

Ethiopia’s resistance to colonization, except for a brief Italian occupation, and its ancient Christian heritage underscore its status as one of the oldest nations.

San Marino

San Marino claims to be the world’s oldest republic, founded on September 3, 301 CE, by Marinus, a Christian stonemason fleeing persecution.

Nestled in the Apennine Mountains, this microstate has maintained its independence for over 1,700 years.

Its governance structure, with two captains regent serving as heads of state, is a testament to its enduring republican traditions.

San Marino’s ability to preserve its autonomy and historical continuity makes it a unique entry among the world’s oldest countries.


Armenia’s history dates back to around 860 BCE with the establishment of the Urartu Kingdom.

It is one of the first nations to adopt Christianity as a state religion in 301 CE. The Armenian Highlands have been a crossroads of various civilizations, contributing to a rich cultural and historical heritage.

Despite periods of foreign domination and the devastating genocide in the early 20th century, Armenia has maintained its cultural identity and historical continuity.


Georgia, located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, has a history that dates back to ancient Colchis around 1200 BCE.

The Georgian Golden Age, during the reign of King David IV and Queen Tamar in the 12th and 13th centuries CE, was marked by significant cultural and political achievements.

The adoption of Christianity in the early 4th century helped shape Georgia’s national identity. Despite numerous invasions and occupations, Georgia has preserved its language, culture, and national identity.

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