
The history of the Catawba tribe

Most people today don’t realize how many different Native American tribes there are. In addition to the popular ones that everyone has heard about, there are dozens of obscure, smaller, and lesser-known people groups.  Among these many Native American tribes of less fame and repute, you’ll find the Catawba tribe.  The Catawba Indians are an […]

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The Extraordinary Life and Times of the Corn Flake King: John Harvey Kellogg

For well over a century now, Kellogg’s Toasted Cornflakes, featuring Cornelius “Corny” Rooster on the box, has been a mainstay of households across America.  Prototype for the hundreds of other dry breakfast cereals to follow, Toasted Cornflakes effectively put dry cereals on the breakfast menu—and Battle Creek, Michigan, on the map.  But few know the story of John Harvey

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