Quiz: How much do you know about the Civil War?

Last updated on June 30th, 2023 at 01:08 am

The American Civil War between the Union and Confederacy was one of the bloodiest conflicts in United States history. By its end, over 600,000 Americans were dead, and large chunks of the country were in ruins. Do you think you know a lot about it? Then, test your knowledge of the American Civil War!

Union and Confederate troops clash at the Battle of Franklin in Tennessee, 1864.
Created on By Carl Seaver

Civil War quiz

1 / 10

Which battle was both the bloodiest fought and a turning point of the American Civil War?

2 / 10

Which Northern general was known for waging "total war?"

3 / 10

Which Southern state was the first to secede?

4 / 10

Where was the first capital of the CSA?

5 / 10

Where did Robert E Lee surrender to Ulysses S. Grant at the end of the Civil War?

6 / 10

Who was the President of the CSA?

7 / 10

Which ship fought in the first recorded battle between ironclads?

8 / 10

What year was Abraham Lincoln assassinated?

9 / 10

How many States were part of the Confederate States of America (CSA)?

10 / 10

Who was the commander of the Confederate army during American Civil War?

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The average score is 67%


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