Last updated on January 27th, 2023 at 08:14 pm
On April 15, 1912, the Titanic—then the world’s largest and most luxurious passenger ship—sank to the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean after hitting an iceberg, taking more than 1,500 lives with it.
In 1985, the wreckage of the Titanic was discovered by a French and American expedition about 12,500 feet below the ocean’s surface, and since then, many artifacts from the ship have been recovered.
Over 100 years after its fateful maiden voyage, color photos of the Titanic have been restored using cutting-edge technology.
The Titanic Under Construction

Completed in 1912, the Titanic was the largest passenger liner ever built.
It was also one of the most luxurious, with an onboard swimming pool, library, and grand staircase.
The ship was commissioned by the White Star Line and built by the firm of Harland & Wolff in Belfast, Ireland. Construction began in 1909 and took over two years to complete.
The Titanic was built Alongside the Olympic

The RMS Titanic was built by the White Star Line and was one of three Olympic-class ocean liners.
The other two were the RMS Olympic and the HMHS Britannic.
The Titanic was built alongside her sister ship, the Olympic, at the Harland and Wolff shipyard in Belfast, Ireland.
The Titanic Leaves Southampton bound for New York City

On April 10, 1912, the Titanic left Southampton, England, bound for New York City, with over 2,200 crew and passengers onboard.
The Café Parisien in the first class section

The Titanic was billed as the grandest and most luxurious ship of its time, and its Café Parisien was no exception.
First-class passengers were treated to a sumptuous café that served French-inspired cuisine and boasted an impressive wine list.
The café was decorated in the latest Parisian style, with gilt mirrors and pretty murals.
It was the perfect place to enjoy a leisurely meal or a glass of champagne before retiring to one’s cabin for the evening.
Top of the Grand Staircase

As Titanic’s passengers stepped onboard, they were greeted by an impressive display of luxury.
The first-class entrance hall was located at the top of the grand staircase, and it featured many opulent amenities.
The walls were paneled in rich mahogany, and the floors were covered in thick carpets. Ornate chandeliers hung from the ceilings, casting a warm glow over the entire space.
Despite its grandeur, the entrance hall was designed to be inviting and comfortable, with plenty of seating areas for passengers to relax in.
Clearly, no expense had been spared in creating this magnificent room, and it set the tone for the Titanic’s luxurious character.
Charlotte and Marjorie Collyer After Their Rescue

Charlotte Collyer and her daughter Marjorie boarded the Titanic in Southampton, England, on April 10, 1912.
They were bound for New York City, where Charlotte planned to open a millinery shop.
The Collyers were among the second-class passengers on the ship, and they occupied cabin B-28.
On the night of April 14, the Titanic struck an iceberg and began to sink. Charlotte and Marjorie were among the lucky ones who were able to board a lifeboat.
They spent several hours in the lifeboat before being rescued by the Carpathia.
The Deck of the Titanic

As the Titanic slowly made its way across the Atlantic, many passengers were eager to glimpse the open ocean.
Unfortunately, only First Class passengers were allowed on deck, leaving the rest to gaze longingly at the waves from their cabin windows.
This policy came under fire when the Titanic hit an iceberg and began to sink. Many of those trapped below deck quickly perished, while those on deck had a much better chance of being rescued.
In the end, this policy proved disastrous, leading to calls for more egalitarian treatment of passengers on future voyages.
The Third Class Dining Hall

Third-class passengers were relegated to a cramped and dingy dining hall.
The food served was basic and unappetizing, and the atmosphere was gloomy and depressing.
This disparity in treatment was a reflection of the social hierarchy of the time, and it further isolated third-class passengers from the rest of the ship.
In an emergency, such as the sinking of the Titanic, this separation would prove to be fatal for many third-class passengers trapped below deck and unable to escape.
The Titanic’s Gym

The Titanic was one of the grandest ships of its time and boasted many luxurious amenities, including a state-of-the-art gymnasium.
The gymnasium was located on the boat deck and featured floor-to-ceiling windows providing stunning ocean views.
It was equipped with the latest exercise machines, including stationary bicycles, rowing machines, and weight-lifting equipment.
There was also a small pool for swimming laps. The gymnasium was a popular spot on the Titanic, and it was often filled with passengers working out or enjoying the view.
If you enjoyed these photos of the Titanic in color, learn more about how colorized photos are bringing history to life.