Rare Images that Capture World War One as it Really Was

The First World War occurred between 1914-1918. The conflict was a power struggle between the Allies and the Central Powers.

A huge shift in the balance of power led to the catalyst for World War I. One major cause was the rise of power in Germany. Another was the decline of the Ottoman Empire. Other factors included economic competition, tensions between the powers, and the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

This assassination pulled in Russia. Shortly after, Germany, France, and the UK were drawn in. The United States did not enter the war until 1917 on the Allied side.

Most of the fighting took places in Europe and the Middle East. World War I was primarily fought with trench warfare, artillery, tanks, and chemical warfare.

The war came to a formal end in 1919 with the signing of the peace treaty, The Treaty of Versailles. This treaty ended the war between Germany and the Allied Powers.

The death toll in War World I added up to over 9 million military deaths, 8 million civilians deaths, and 23 million wounded. This was one of the deadliest conflicts in history.

Let’s take a look at some of the images from the battlefields and from the point of view of those who were there.

July 1916 during the Battle of the Somme
Soldiers at the Battle of the Somme, 1916
Australian infantry wearing Small Box Respirators
French soldiers moving into attack from their trench during the Verdun battle, 1916.
First World War Casualties on the Western Front
Wounded tended on the battlefield
Soldiers making a meal in the trenches
Tanks used to navigate difficult terrain
Soldiers trying to dry their feet out to prevent trench foot
First aid on the battlefield, Somme
New Zealand soldiers with a copy of ‘New Zealand at the Front’
An injured soldier on the battlefield
Soldiers getting a nap when they could
Jewish German soldier during World War One
Soldiers on the front hunkering in the trenches
Injured Indian soldiers of the British Army during World War One being treated
Salvage of the battlefield near Bapaume
Casualties on the battlefield
French cart picks up the dead from the battlefield, 1915
U.S. troops in France just week’s before Germany’s surrender
Bringing in the wounded from the battlefield – April 1917
U.S. troops man a captured German communications outpost
Wading through waterlogged trenches
1917: Canadian troops sit and take a break in a field during a pause in their attack on the Cambrai front, France, Western Front
December 1915: Canadian cavalrymen
Stretcher bearers and dressers
Dispatch rider of the Royal Naval Division Signal Company
A soldier stands at the junction of two trenches – Gourlay Trench and Gordon Alley
John Meintz, punished during World War I
German Infantry on the Battlefield
Women’s War work during the First World War
The Royal Navy during the First World War
Arms production in Britain
Australian Field Ambulance
American Troops – Uniform and Equipment during the First World War
Industry during the First World War

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