Last updated on March 24th, 2023 at 05:49 pm
In the world of conspiracy theories, the Hollow Earth theory stands out for its sheer absurdity. It suggests that the Earth is not only hollow but contains its own sun, exotic creatures, and possibly even advanced civilizations.
But where did this idea originate from, and how has it evolved? Let’s explore the history and evolution of the Hollow Earth conspiracy, from its roots in ancient mythology to its presence in modern pop culture.

What Is The Hollow Earth Conspiracy?
Have you heard of the “Flat-Earth Society,” a group of diehards who believe that the earth is flat? The hollow-earth conspiracy theory is like that, but instead of the Earth being flat, proponents of this theory think it’s hollow.
They believe there is a secret world inside the earth. Some believe this hidden world is home to an advanced civilization, while others think monsters or aliens inhabit it.
Explorers can only access this hidden world through specific entrances located around the globe called “vortices” or “Symmes Holes.” There are supposed to be three entrances into the inner parts of the Earth.
There’s one entrance at each of the poles and one in the Himalayas. The Hollow-Earthers distinguish their theories further by claiming that the Earth’s shell is 800 miles thick. In addition, the theory claims that an interior sun is located on the inner surface, complete with night and day cycles.
Some believe these vortices are situated at the North and South Poles, while others think they’re hidden in Mount Shasta or the Bermuda Triangle. In addition to an underground city, there are habitable sections between the many layers of the earth and the center.
Additionally, “Hollow-Earthers” believe that the Earth, other planets, stars, the moon, and even the Sun are hollow.

The civilization living there is also considered highly advanced, living in a utopia-like society. The members of this society are supposed to be a superior variety of humans that stand at least 12 feet tall. They consider themselves the descendants of the Nephilim or fallen angels. Some believe that this is where the stories of giants come from.
Rodney Cluff, author of “World Top Secret: Our Earth IS Hollow,” is one of modern society’s most vocal hollow earth theorists. According to Cluff, evidence suggests that the government is aware of this hidden world and keeps it a secret from the public.
However, Cluff believes that the theory is gaining popularity, and people are coming to their senses. Many have even claimed that they journeyed to the center of the Earth.
So, where did this theory come from? And is there any truth to it?
The Origins Of The Hollow Earth Conspiracy
The hollow earth conspiracy theory has a long and fascinating history. The idea that the earth might be hollow dates back to the ancient Greeks.
To the Greeks, the hollow Earth was the realm of the Underworld. In other cultures, like the Norse, in Buddhist stories, the hollow Earth was known as Svartalfar or even Shamballa.
The idea that the Earth might be hollow took off in the 17th century when Edmund Halley proposed that the earth’s crust was thin and that there might be a large cavern or cavity below it. Edmund Halley was a geophysicist and the first academic to record stating his theories.

His theory solidified the idea that the Earth was comprised of layers. Essentially, we walk on the outer shell, followed by two inner concentric shells and an innermost core.
Each shell was separated by an atmosphere that could potentially support life. Other scientists across the globe later expanded upon Halley’s ideas.
The idea of hollow Earth gained traction in the 19th century when an American man named John Cleves Symmes proposed his version of the theory. According to Symmes, there were not one but several large cavities or voids inside the earth. Symmes even suggested that these cavities might be connected, forming a “Hollow Earth.”
Symmes’ theories gained a lot of attention, and he even petitioned Congress to fund an expedition to the North Pole so that he could prove his theories correct. But unfortunately, his journey was never approved, and Symmes died without ever being able to prove his theories.
Despite this, the idea of a hollow Earth continued to gain popularity. As a result, there has been a resurgence in the hollow Earth theory.
Hollow Earth Theories In Literature
The hollow Earth theory also made its way into literature, with some authors using the concept as the basis for their stories. Jules Verne’s A Journey to the Center of the Earth is one of the most famous examples.
In Verne’s novel, a group of explorers journey to the center of the Earth through a volcanic crater in Iceland. Once they reach the center, they find a strange and fantastic world home to all sorts of prehistoric creatures.
While Verne’s novel is pure fiction, it’s not the only example of hollow Earth in literature. In Edgar Rice Burroughs’ At the Earth’s Core, a group of explorers journey to the center of the Earth in a giant drilling machine. Once there, they find themselves in the middle of a lost civilization.
There are plenty of non-fiction books about the hollow Earth theory, with authors like Rodney Cluff and Tim R. Swartz supporting it.
Is There Any Truth To The Theory?
Obviously, there is no objective evidence to support the idea that the Earth is hollow. While it’s fun to imagine a hidden world inside our own, the truth is that the theory is nothing more than a work of fiction.
That being said, some still believe in the Hollow Earth theory. Some even believe that secret civilizations are living inside the Earth. Whether or not you believe in the thesis is up to you. But one thing’s for sure, the idea of a hollow Earth is fascinating, and thanks to the internet, the theory will continue for years to come.